On Being Seen and Breaking Silences

Share your story because you're human

I’ve been feeling…a little lost. That’s the understatement of the century. I’ve been feeling a lot lost. I’ve been feeling broken and empty and exploding and crushed and incompetent and only very occasionally capable and powerful and worthy. I’ve been feeling all those things like I’m riding a rollercoaster in the dark—I can’t tell when…

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To move beyond your comfort zone…cultivate a safe place.

A hiker looking out over an immense vista, demonstrating what business feels like.

I am a deeply fearful person. I could get into all the reasons why this is true. There are plenty. But really, the result is the same. Things scare me. And not “things” like mountain climbing or skydiving (although those too). Just, like, life in general. Meeting new people. Going new places. Setting boundaries. Expressing…

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From the archives: Curriculum Vitae…what’s yours?

From the archives of my old blog, Spirit Moves Dance. December 2013: I spent last week working on a job application for the position I’ve been filling for the past 4 months. I hate writing job applications as a rule, but this one was both harder and easier than previous ones–easier because I *knew* without…

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